How do I block Adult Content?

You can limit your kids from being exposed to or accessing pornographic adult content by ensuring that SafeSearch is Enabled (always to defaulted to On) and by applying specific Filters to their devices. Here is how you do it.
Using your DigiFam app…
1. Create a Filter List for your child
Create Filter Lists to block or limit your children’s access to Adult Websites:
Click ‘Filters
Click the ‘ADD FILTER LIST‘ button
Select the ‘Name‘ field and rename the Filter List to one that you will recognise (e.g. Kate’s Filter List)
Next, click on ‘Filter List‘ – our  list of pre-loaded social media apps, websites, adult content, online games will be shown
If you just want to block pornographic Adult Content, then scroll to ‘Adult Websites‘ on the pre-loaded list and click the ‘Allowed‘ button beside it to change access to ‘Not Allowed
Apply any other filters that you want to by selecting ‘Not Allowed’ in the list – you can also apply times at which these apps and websites can be accessed by your child – read more here
Click the Save button (checkmark, top right hand corner)
2. Apply the Filter List to your child’s device(s)
Now Click ‘Apply to Device/s
You will be presented with a list of the devices connected to your DigiFam network
Click the toggle button ‘Unselected‘ beside the device to which you want to apply the Filter List – this will now change to ‘Selected‘.
Click the Save button (checkmark, top right hand corner)
Congratulations! You have now created the Filter List and applied it to the device. Note that you can only apply 1 Filter List to each device.
Using your DigiFam Customer Portal…
1. Create a Filter List for your child:
Login to your DigiFam Customer Portal
Click ‘Filters‘ from the main menu
Click ‘Add New Filter List‘ on the right-hand side – our  list of pre-loaded social media apps, websites, adult content, online games will be shown
Select the ‘Name‘ field and rename the Filter List to one that you will recognise (e.g. Kate’s Filter List)
If you just want to block pornographic Adult Content, then scroll to ‘Adult Websites‘ on the pre-loaded list and tick the checkbox beside it to apply the filter
Apply any other filters that you want to by ticking the appropriate checkboxes
Click ‘Save
2. Apply the Filter List to your child’s device(s):
Navigate to either ‘WIFI Devices’ or ‘Mobile Devices’
Select the device to which you want to apply the Filter List
Open the ‘Apply Filter‘ tab
Click the ‘+ Apply Filter‘ button
Choose the Filter List that you want to apply from the drop-down list
Click ‘Save
Congratulations! You have now created the Filter List and applied it to the device. Note that you can only apply 1 Filter List to each device.
SafeSearch is automatically enabled for all DigiFam accounts. This means that DigiFam automatically routes searches through Google SafeSearch to reduce the risk of children accidentally seeing inappropriate content. To turn off SafeSearch, just Log in to your DigiFam Customer Portal and navigate to My Account > DigiFam Settings > Enable SafeSearch.
NOTE: when applying the adult content filter to a device, this will also block access to various search engines to prevent any potential access to adult content