How to uninstall SaferK on an Android Device

To uninstall SaferK from an Android device, you can follow the steps below for both the full installation of SaferK, as well as SaferK lite.
1. Login to your DigiFam Customer Portal
Go to > “My Login” and enter the your DigiFam account login details. (same details you use to access the DigiFam App)
Select the “Mobile Devices” menu and the device that you wish to uninstall the DigiFam Mobile service from.
Under the ‘Device Info’ tab, you will see the option to uninstall as seen below
2. Uninstall the Device
Click ‘Uninstall’ and click ‘Send Confirmation Code’ when asked “Are you sure you want to uninstall this device?”
3. Confirm the Uninstallation
You will now be emailed a verification code as a security measure to ensure a successful uninstallation.
Go to your email, copy & paste the verification code into the window as seen in the image below
Once you enter the verification code and click ‘Uninstall’, this will remove SaferK from the Child Device and from the list of mobile devices on your DigiFam Account.
This will also free up a space to download DigiFam Mobile onto another child device if you wish.
If you did a full installation of SaferK, you can now do a factory reset of the child’s device.
If you installed SaferK Lite, please follow the steps below:
General Instructions
Go to the Settings App
Open the search tab, sometimes shown as a magnifying glass at the top of the screen
Search for “Install Unknown Apps” and press the first option
Scroll down to Saferk and select it
Click Uninstall
Click Deactivate and Uninstall
Click Ok
Xiaomi Devices:
Go to the settings App
Open the search bar at the top of the screen
Search for Device Admin Apps and open the result
Scroll down to SaferK and switch the toggle
Press Deactivate this device admin app
You can now uninstall the app from your child’s device.
Samsung Devices
Go to the Settings App
Lock Screen and Security
Install unknown apps
Scroll down to SaferK
Click the i symbol
Click Uninstall
Click Deactivate and Uninstall
Click Ok