Snapchat is sharing your Child’s location

Did you know that Snapchat is sharing your child’s location?
Snapchat’s feature ‘Snapmaps’ gives your child the ability to share their exact location on a map, allowing anyone on their friends list to see their location. This may seem harmless, but if your child is friends with strangers on Snapchat, it could have dangerous consequences.
The dangers of location sharing
Sharing your location is extremely dangerous, especially for children and teenagers. Snapmaps gives strangers the ability to locate your children on a map, as well as track their movements in real-time. If your child has a stranger on their friends list, it makes them vulnerable targets for online groomers. If an online groomer has access to your child’s location, they can track your children’s every move, observe their location patterns, see where they live, where they go to school, where they hang out with friends and much more.
How to protect your children from Snapmaps
There is a feature on Snapchat which allows you to put your location on ‘ghost mode’, which prevents friends from seeing your location. However, this setting can be easily changed. The best way to protect your child from the dangers of Snapmap is to monitor and restrict their use of Snapchat. With DigiFam Parental Control, you can ensure your child is protected online on all devices.
By using our scheduling feature, you can set schedules on your child’s device which specifies times and days they can access apps like Snapchat. By doing so, you can ensure they are only using Snapchat when you want them to. This allows you to make sure they are only using Snapchat at home under your supervision. Alternatively, you can block Snapchat from their device completely.